To make our website more friendly for our visitors we have created an online directory where you can find useful links to our partners or to other websites that are closely related to machinery industry.
Factory link exchange
There are plenty of factories in the UK. Most people do not realize how important role they play on the job market. On average aver 50% of Great Britain population has been currently employed by different types of factories:
No. |
Type of industry |
1. |
Automotive |
2. |
Consumer |
3. |
Electronics |
4. |
Industrial |
5. |
Chemical |
6. |
Retail Consumer Products |
7. |
Agriculture Products |
If you have a look around your house you will see that probably 90% of all products have been manufactured in the factories based in the UK: furniture, bicycles, chemicals, toothpaste and especially most of the food.
Link exchange Transport and haulage
Transport and heavy haulage has a big impact on the product prices. Every single item that has been made up has to be delivered somewhere. The cost of transportation is always added to the final cost of each product.
Machinery Link Exchange
As you probably know machinery help people to speed up manufacturing processes. Thanks to machinery we are able to produce as much food and other daily use items as we need. Without them everything would be much more expensive. The link between the quality of live and the use of machinery is very strong.
If you would like to exchange links with out machinery industry and factory related site then please one of the categories below or suggest one and drop us a quick line with your linking details.